Oswego NY to Trenton ON
We left the US! And the people's republic of New York! Today was an early one. Weather was forecast to pick up early afternoon to 20+ mph wind. We don't want to be in Lake Ontario when the wind is running the length of the lake. So 5:30am departure it was. We could see the sun rise as we left the harbor. And then we burned the fuel. Serious fuel. 20mph for four plus hours. The lake was pretty flat. It started out with some swells from the west but they subsided the closer we got to the North shore. Eventually we could see the power plant on the shore near the entrance to The Bay of Quinte. This zig zaggy bay ran 20+ miles getting narrow then wide over and over. Most of it we could do at speed... It is fairly protected. It feels a lot like home as the water and shores now resemble Northern Michigan. We arrived at Trent ...