Youngs Point ON to Fenelon Falls ON

We left Youngs Point lock wall this morning about 8am with two hours of cruising to get to our first lock.  

What a beautiful day.  

We had two lakes to cross.  Clear Lake (which is clear)...  

And Stoney Lake which is.... Granite. 

The beaches are done and the navigation is critical.  It's a common thing to have solid granite just a few inches below the surface on both sides of the boat just 10-20 feet away.  As long as we are in the designated channel it's fine....   But prop repair and replacement is a big business here...

Still... Driving past this kind of scenery all day would never get old... (Until it froze). 

Eventually we journeyed through four locks today... And up to a fifth.    Lock 28, 30, 31, 32... And sitting just under lock 33.  

Yes we are aware 29 is missing.  28 and 29 used to be a set of two (a flight lock) but in the 1960s they automated it (hydraulic controls rather than manual) so they could shift 28 upstream and combine the total lift in a single lock.  

We stopped for a while at Bobcaygeon.   They have a museum there called the Kawartha Settlers Village.   This region is called the Kawartha lakes and the village isn't so much a village as a collection of old structures moved into an old dairy farm to preserve them.  

Take for example the wood shop.  I like woodworking and I have some hand planes.   But.... Not this many hand planes.  

And I have hand tools but nothing like this...

These came from a single donor that had them at his farm.   

They have an old Methodist Church that was moved here, restored to original design. 

A fur trader house.  

Many private residences dating back to the 1800s and before...

And even an old one room school house, equipped with bell....

There are some things about the days of old we are missing.    Like these old stoves.   

I wouldn't want to cook on one all of the time.... But it would be fun to have one in an old cabin or in a barn for heat and play cooking.  They are really cool.  

They also had some toys we don't have anymore.  Too bad as I'd love to have something like this for my grandkids....

They had old sleighs used to get around in winter behind horses.  

And carriages too.  

Even some commercial vehicles.  Here's n old dairy delivery wagon ..

I remember milk delivery and how good that milk tastes with full natural amounts of cream in it.  But I don't remember horses and carriages.  Before my time...

Eventually we returned to the boat to continue our journey down Buckhorn Lake.  This lake is large and V shaped .  

We are now getting into Toronto cottage country and it shows.  Nice homes.  And lots of small cottages still...

Eventually we migrated up the end of Buckhorn Lake to the town of Fenelon Falls. 

Katie quickly disembarked and headed to the store before it closed.  Unfortunately the store she was looking for no longer exists.   So much for that....

Still we are stuck at the bottom of a lock until 10am tomorrow.   Not such a bad place to be stuck.  

This falls is right next to our boat....

The breeze is heavenly.  

46.5 miles today.  A great day on the boat.  A little over exposed though.    Until tomorrow ...


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