Paducah to Grand Rivers (Green Turtle Bay Resort)

After three nights in Paducah without power (other than our generators) and multiple nights out at anchor on the way down the Mississippi we have now entered the Cumberland river watershed.  We will be here for two nights and then move on to the Tennessee River to continue further south.  

We are at Green Turtle Bay Resort and we have refilled our diesel tanks and again have shore power and marina wifi!   Plus we got to get our waste tanks pumped out - which will prevent messes if they get too full. (Ain't boating grand?).  Tomorrow I'll be doing some maintenance on the boat and Katie will be doing laundry.  (So interesting, right?  That ought to make a compelling blog...).  Anyway - today we had a 40ish mile trip from Paducah up the Ohio River to the Cumberland river (the river to Nashville) and then up into the Land Between the Lakes.   I love this area.   Everything is flooded Kentucky hill country.   Half water, half hills..  

There are advantages to having the power out.  One is sitting on the dock with friends with no mosquitos or light pollution.   The moon was amazing last night and the weather still spectacular.  We rode bikes all over the region, went out for Ice Cream and visited the local Eagles club
 (although they weren't yet open for the day and the neighborhood was sketchy enough we didn't want to come back for the steak dinner..)

We went through the Barkley lock today.  A 50+ ft rise.  Fortunately the rain stopped and the wind was still while we were in the chamber. 

We finished the journey of the day at Green Turtle Bay.  As marinas go this place is a little bit amazing.  Multiple restaurants, spa, indoor pool, covered slips (we aren't in one), laundry, free shuttle service and lots more. 
We took the free shuttle to town with friends and decided to take in the sites.   First we stopped (and shopped) at the 'pink tractor'.   Katie found a pink sweater she just had to have.  She'll be very cute in it. 

Then we visited Patti's.   This is a little town with 350 people but Patti's employs 226.  Needless to say they import a bunch of them.  Our shuttle driver worked for them full time as a manager and drives 45 miles each way to/from work.   

It's Halloween so people are really dressed up.  Our favorite costume is this chicken. 
This place is a definite tourist trap.  They served 1700 dinners today in a town of 350 people.   Needless to say they import customers, not just employees.  

They also know how to make food.  Here is my pork chop...

The rain has now arrived so we shuttled back in an enclosed golf cart to avoid the rain and were dropped off just at the end of the dock our boats are docked on.  

It's going to get really cold starting Monday night here. (3 nights in the 20s).  Fortunately we have a generator and three heaters/ACs.

I've eaten a tad too much today (and had ice cream for the 2nd time on this trip)...  I will sleep well..  Goodnight all.   We will probably not blog on Sunday and will return to blogging on Monday!  

Monday something big is supposed to happen.   Our new dinghy is supposed to get delivered!  


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