Welcome to Cape Girardeau MO...
Our Anchorage tonight...
Today we left Hoppies' dock and journeyed 120 miles downstream. The Mississippi gets pretty twisty down here and the barges run 24x7. Today I 'got to be' flotilla lead for the first time.. This means keeping the deep stuff under the boat, avoiding floating logs, operating radio to tell others about debris, contacting towboats pushing 360000# barges
and determining where they want us (so we don't get run over) and generally staying sane. A beautiful cloudy but 80 degree day that had hot, cold and a bit of rain but not enough to get wet. Now we are anchored
(both front and rear anchors) holding us straight in the river (but not in the channel) behind a large bridge.
This should keep us from getting run over and the rear anchor should keep wind from pushing us sideways into another boat....
It's supposed to rain overnight... So double anchors are in order so we don't get pushed to the side in the wind. Today was a long journey but not bad given that the river is pushing us 2.5+mph even if we aren't running. There are times the welling up or circular eddys will turn you right around under power. Fun times.
Now to settle in and maybe grill some dinner in a bit.
Cape Girardeau isn't known for much.... But is known for it's most famous son - Rush Limbaugh - was born and raised here and got his start in radio here.
On a related note one of my buddy boat captains is a five time Emmy award winner who was well known in the news and production world. (Now retired).
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