Panama City to Appalacicola

We finally got to move today...  Via the intercoastal with protection.  This section is narrow and sometimes not as deep as it should be but we didn't have any trouble.  Had to dodge some floating trees but no major issues.  
Tonight we are anchored at Appalacicola across the channel from town and we took the dinghy into town to do some shopping.  We will probably eat dinner here as well. 
This town has like nine marinas and not a single one with a working pump out system. No pump out, no emptying the toilet system - which is getting full.   This leads us to one conclusion....   People go offshore and dump their tanks in the ocean.   Yuck.   And we don't have that option whether we wanted to or not.   That's illegal in the Great lakes.   

Anyway... At least we finally got a day with sunshine and not harsh wind.    Two sleeps and then the following night is likely to be an all nighter.  

Back to the boat at 'looper midnight' (8pm).  Time to sit and read and enjoy the cool breeze.  The tide is switching and spinning the boat 180 degrees.   Beautiful night to sit outside and enjoy the sounds of the sea. 
Our trip for today....   Tomorrow we will travel to Carabelle (20 miles or so) to get a pump out then sleep there at anchor before our next long night cruise with what will likely be zero moon.  


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