Annapolis MD (Day 2)

Today we visited the US Naval Academy Annapolis.   

Lots of cool buildings.   A unique culture.  Lots of success and leadership has come from this institution. 

They have about 4300 students and all of them live in one (huge) building.  

And all of them can eat lunch together at the same time in the mess hall.   

All recruits go through the equivalent of basic training and all get full rides to school as well as getting paid (about $1300 a month) while here.   

Much of the administration lives on campus in very nice campus housing designed and built by Flagg.    Lots of the buildings here built from Maine granite thanks to politics.   (A way to get the money from Congress...  Always lobbying. ).  

They also have a nice museum and the hospital that eventually moved to Bethesda.  

A few planes here for posterity (no airport) 
And many many graves.   Everything from John McCain,

 to John Paul Jones (early Revolutionary war hero)

And we were really impressed by the chapel.  Four Tiffany stained glass panels.  

and a pipe organ with 1300+ pipes.   They were practicing for tomorrow's service when we were there....

Also memorials.  This one memorialize the victory over the barbarians (Pirates) of North Africa (shores of Tripoli, from the Marines anthem).  Oldest monument in US we were told. 

This is a bit personal for me because I've spent significant time in North Africa (Morocco) having started a business there that employs Berber people (known then as Barbarians). 

The museum on the property has a complete history of naval activity from founding to current plus miniature models of all kinds of early Navy sailing ships. 

After visiting the Naval academy we took a tour of the Maryland House (Congress) building.   

This is where the early Congress met for a time and where George Washington resigned as commander in chief putting civilian elected officials in charge of the military. 

It's a beautiful elegant building with a lot of history.     Harriet Tubman was also born here in Maryland and after escaping to the North had a significant role in the activities of the underground railroad freeing slaves. 

 It's interesting to see the rather starkly furnished room from the 1700s (furnished as it was after the revolutionary war) compared to the elegant rooms created in the early 1900s. 

Annapolis sure does have some cool old red brick buildings....

We didn't anticipate rain today .. but we knew it would be cold.   Not too cold for ice cream though.  Or a good burger from an Irish Pub.  
(We got both).  The ice cream today was vastly better than yesterday's disappointing shake.  


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