Charlevoix MI to Ludington MI

One boat move from HOME!  But that won't happen today or tomorrow.  

Weather is coming in so we will batten down the hatches until Monday.  

We woke early this morning to get the 6am bridge in Charlevoix.   It turns out they were starting a marathon today at 6am at the bridge.  Joy.  They held the bridge only a few minutes and then opened it for us... Or should I say FOR the BEAVER ISLAND FERRY (they were waiting too...)

I love Charlevoix.  One of my favorite places. We ate out yesterday and did a bit of shopping... And just hung out.  

After the bridge we made our way through the channel as the sun was rising.  A long ways to travel today on the water...

It's good to be back in Michigan.  Our cell service works well again (not so much in Canada) and we paid $3.80 a gallon for diesel in Ludington when we arrived (vs $7-8 in Canada).  

It's a long journey from Charlevoix to Ludington on land.  It's even longer on water.   6am to noon at 20mph never stopping. 

Once we arrived we went for lunch with our travel buddies to Jamesport Brewing Company (a local restaurant).  I had perch. It was good.  

No pics.  Phones were being frustrating.  Gus Macker was in town and we think maybe the phone towers were overloaded. 

While eating lunch someone mentioned that two of the guys needed haircuts.   Google promptly told me there was a barber across the street from the restaurant and *sure enough* he was working.  He does lots of hair and makeup for movies (big ones too).  An interesting time for all of us talking with him while he cut hair!  

Director's Cut it's called. Affordable ($10, including wash and even including brow and nose trims).  The things we old people have to have trimmed. Lol.   Recommended.   

We then did some shopping in Ludington and came out with a few things.   We will be staying here two days due to weather.  

Ludington has really gentrified.  Many of these buildings were old closed industrial buildings and now are filled with restaurants, stores, libraries, galleries.  

And of course we made a mandatory Ice cream stop at House of Flavors.   I had a great sundae with hot fudge and marshmallow topping.  I haven't had one of those in what seems like forever.  

(Photo stolen.  No pics taken ... But there were crowds). I have many good memories of eating at House of Flavors with my uncle when I was younger after fishing or hunting trips...  I like that those reminders come back.

123 miles today.  No major waves.  Lots of strong winds offshore making a 1ft chop.  We did start out with swells from behind but those quickly died down when we made the bend around the tip of the Leelanaw Peninsula.

Lots of beautiful sites...  Good night... Til Monday...

One more travel day and we will be gold loopers (we will have gone all of the way around!)


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